The original hardcover versions of ‘After the Coal Dust‘ are now, unfortunately, out of print and it is very unlikely that there’ll be any further copies available in either the 12inch or 8inch versions. The cost of printing has soared since the original release and it doesn’t seem viable now to sell the book at a reasonable price.
We always wanted to make After the Coal Dust as affordable as possible whilst keeping the print quality as high as possible. I think we managed to do this quite successfully. The book retailed initially at £20 and £29 (the final print run was priced at £24 and £35) but the printing costs would now make the books too expensive. We would be looking at closer to a retail price of £50 retail to use the current printers.
The books have been printed in Poland but Brexit definitely has had a damaging effect on prices to the UK. I’ve to see any positive effects of Brexit come to that! Evil Putin’s escapades pushed paper costs higher too..
There is, however, a possibility of a soft cover version. I’ve still to assess the print quality and come up with a price. Hopefully, we can come up with something similar to the existing prices. I should have something more definite in the next few weeks and hopefully, if all goes well, an initial print run shortly after that. I’ll add more details when I can.
If anyone wants one of the hardcover versions, then Abebooks or similar, might be the only option.
A reminder that the ebook version is available as a PDF from here or the Kindle version is available from Amazon.