A woman holding a sign in front of a police officer.

Far right demo in Leeds 7th September

A few photos from the pro and anti Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (or Tommy Robinson as he likes to be called so that he appears to be a man of the people) demos in Leeds yesterday.

Fortunately, the turn-out by the right-wing yobs was very low, far out-numbered by the counter-demonstration and the police. I don’t really think that Robinson’s idiots have a coherent political point to make, it’s just an excuse for a piss-up and a punch-up. I think the only ones who benefit from these events is Wetherspoons 

A bit disappointing that some of the anti-Robinson crowd resorted to a few chants against the police who seemed to handle it very well. The police were certainly quick to tell the right-winger having a go at Freya for taking photos that she had every right to do so.

It’s very striking how opposed to the press and photographers these right-wing groups are even though they themselves are videoing everything. You certainly feel a target taking pictures now.

It was just a lot of shouting and macho posturing in the main. I did like the “Tommy is a snowflake, he can’t take a milkshake” chorus though.

Despite the counter-protest having the greater numbers, I think sometimes that it might be better to just ignore the right-wing hate mobs when they have their marches and just leave it to the police. It’s a confrontation that they feed on and without any opposition they’d probably just release their aggression on themselves.

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