Wearing PPE mask during lockdown

Street Photography and the Lockdown

Being prevented from going out hardly provides the best opportunities for street photography. Unlike many we have stuck to the guidelines, only going out for essential shopping and exercise. I use the word ‘exercise’ in its loosest sense – in our case it means walking Dylan, our border terrier.

Before we get attacked for it, I should point out there’s been no ‘photo trips’ but we have taken a camera out with us one or two times when we’ve been out.

Here’s a small selection of images Bridget and I have made over the last couple of months.

5 thoughts on “Street Photography and the Lockdown”

  1. Ralf J. Diemb

    Hi Bridget, hi John,
    you show impressive photos of a difficult situation. I’ve just read news about Londoners spending the weekend at Jurassic coast beaches without distancing, animating cliff jumpers , some of them were seriously wounded. Brainless creatures !

    Stay safe and healthy !

    1. Thank you, Ralf.

      It’s all over the country not just he south. Now that the restrictions have eased slightly people are doing whatever they want. Every beauty spot is packed with cars and people are just leaving a trail of rubbish behind. We really are a disgusting species.

      The Government’s handling of this crisis has been pathetic; too slow to lockdown, vague and mixed messages and breaking thier own rules. A lot of people still think it’s too soon to ease restrictions as we’ve still a lot of new infections and people are still dying. Over 38,000 on official figures but most likely almost double that number.

  2. Robert D. Balcer

    Hi John
    As always, another excellent set of images. I have been contemplating trying to do some street shots, but was a bit worried that the pandemic situation might bring local xenophobia levels to higher than normal levels. Most people here in Chiang Rai are usually more than happy to be photographed, but now the economy isn’t great and the stress level is increasing. Happily, though, zero people are reported to have died of Covid19 and very few have even tested positive.

    1. Thanks Rob,

      I think it’ll be more difficult for us in future (another article lined up with my thoughts coming up in a day or two). When times are hard, for whatever reason, the worst in some people tends to come out, including the xenophobia you mentioned.

      I don’t think anyone really knows the true death toll in the UK (39,000 on official figures) but if we do the excess deaths compared to previous years it’s much higher. We’re at the ridiculous stage now where they announce 200 deaths on a given day and it’s seen as good news.

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